معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، سال اول، شماره دوم، پیاپی 2، بهار 1389، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    Special Emphasis on the
    Role of Education in the Management of Energy Consumption

    By: Dr. Mahadi Subhani-najad* / Abdullah Afshar**

    Reform of consumption pattern and improving the extravagant style have, for the last two decades, been among the concerns of the supreme leader, who warned people of the danger of this problem and named the year 1388 "The Year of Consumption Reform". We should, in the fourth decade of the Islami Revolution which gives priority to achieve development and justice, work harder than ever to reform the consumption, which can play a key role in achieving justice and development in the country.

    The present study focuses on the role of education in the management of energy consumption in our country which represents one of the components of achieving reform of consumption pattern along with other components like making people aware of the energy generation capacity of the country, culturization, stages of learning organizing proposing educational programmes about energy consumption for the various eduction levels, consumption management, refraining from luxury and wasefulness.

    Key word: education, consumption management, energy, reform of consumption pattern.



    Hans-George Gadmer's Hermenuetics

    By Muhammad Aslam Jawadi*

    With the complexity of human life, symobles especialhy in their written forms have greatly affected man's life. Since symobles invite man to a world which manifests itself through the use of symbols and because of their lack of explicit indications ascribed to the ambiguity of their meanings, man feels that there is no way to explore the world of hidden meanings of symobles, other than turning to interpretation.

    At first glance, hermeneutics is thought to be a discipline to which one turns to understand the written symbols to know their hidden meaning by discovering the appropriate rules of interpreting the meanings. This discipline witnessed fundamental changes in Heidegger and Gadamer's system of thoughts and instead of being a discipline "object of understanding", it has come to mean "understanding" hermeuntic questions. This study touches on the chage of hermenuetics from espistemology to Heidegger and Gadamer's ontology and reviews Gadamer's ideas concerning this subject.

    Key word: hermenuetics, hermenuetic experience, language, historicity, fusion of horizons, interpretation, epistemology, methodology.



    A Review of the Efficiency of Functionalistic Theory

    By Amanallah Fasihi*

    The author atlempts in his discussion to prove that functionalistic theory, one of the current theories in socilology, lack efficiency. Its inefficiency is ascribed to its cultural basis. Functionalism is the outcome of modern science and has taken a form which makes it consistent with the utilitarian culture of the bourgeoisie in the United States and it is sought, From the outset, to satisfy the needs of the bourgeoisie. This theoretical approach has its own ontological, epistemological, anthropological and methodological presuppositions.

    Because these presuppositions do not correspond to the culture of Islamic society, it is impossible for this type of functionalism to properly explain the issues of this type of society without making the cultural structure of that society go in line with it and converting its identity.

    Key words: function, structure, system, efficiency, explantion, theory, utilitarian.



    A Critique of Peter Burger's
    Phenomenological Approach to Religion and Social Order

    By Hasan Yosif-zadah*

    Peter Burger was trained in a phenomenological school, and so his approach to the study of religion has a phenomenological character. He considers religion a kind of social understanding to which people turn in their social life especially their daily life to make it meaningful.

    Making use of the works available and documentary sources, the present essay tries, to shed light through a theoretical analysis, on Burger's biography and the ideas by which he was influenced-which crystalizing his philosophical, sociological and religious thoughts in order to criticize his approach to religion.

    Key words: Peter Burger, religion, phenomenology, sociology of religion, sociology of knowledge, social order, meaning of life.



    The Discourse of Sociology of Body"; a Critical Analysis in the Light of Rational Life and Islamic World View

    By Abul Qasim Fatihi* / Ibraheem Ikhlasi**

    The article seeks, through a descriptive analysis relying on the library resources available, to review the view which some of sociology theorists have introduced regarding the body and to show why and how it is important for modern man. The discussion comes under the headings: "naturalism", "social structuralism" and "compound approaches"; The results of theoretical findings show that the practical teachings, which the worldly character of modern life has brought have changed "death" into one of the greatest challgnges of "body".

    Modern man finds the way of ontological encounter with death in the mental escape from it through the constant management of the body simultaneously with awareness of mortality. This fact is confirmed by the necessity of the philosophy of the life wich based on revelatory knowledge. The article reaches the conclusion that by placing man in the domain of rational life and acting theoretically and in practice according to the doctrine and requirements of rational life, the grounds for his coming out of the chain of "body management simultaneously with its mortality" can be prepared.

    Key word: socilogy of body, corporeal structure, modern identity, return to body, body management.



    A Rivew of the Paradigm
    of the Study of Social Traditions in the Qur'an

    By Gholan Hayder Kusha*

    'Traditions' can be seen from four angles: subject matter, factors, effects and social objectives. A methodical examination of the traditions can contribute to developing a religious theory, controlling social activities and events and making easier the access to religious Utopia.

    The method of the study of traditions should not be in accord with the methodological approaches used in sociological studies, but it should be in consistency with the Qur'an commentaries. Due to the qualitative characteristic of the meanings and variables of tradition, it is necessary to use qualitative methods of study that take into account the Unseen and metaphysics, and when we want to refer to religious sources, we have to use a "content analysis" method especialy "structure analysis". In case of using "structure analysis", we should have an abstract framework. So, in order to study a 'tradition', we have to look for a proper framework that shows why the series of causes are ascribed to the Divine, attends to the active nature of man's will, observes the existence of causal relation between two phenomena, and explores the mechanism of actualization of tradition. Also, the abstract nature of the meanings of 'tradition' requires conceptualization; that is anaylizing the concepts from an abstract level into an observable, objective level. Qur'anic conceptualization is considered the best type of conceptualizing the meanings of traditions.

    Key word: tradition, social traditions, divine traditions, content analysis, structure analysis, causal mechanism.



    Comparing the Islamic Paradigm
    with the Positivistic and Hermeneutic and Critical Paradigms

    By Hasan Kheiri*

    After reviewing the Islamic paradigm with regard to the nature of man, the nature of knowledge and relevent issues, and social reality and referring to the Qur'an, the narrations of the Prophet and the Infalliables and the views of Muslim thinkers, the author compares the Islamic paradigm with the posivistic, hermeneutic and critical paradigms. The Islamic paradigm has some areas, and the orientation and harmony of these areas are governed by religion. Senses, intellect and intuition are the tools of acquiring knowledge, and the knowledge gained through human senses help in the achievement of analytical knowledge. Man has inner potential and actual capacities and his own environment provides him with various environmental, cultural and social wealth and these factors contribute to defining the identity of a person.

    Our view regarding social reality in religious paradigm should observe the vital factors and social structures, the atmosphere they creat and their effect on the individual.

    Key word: paradigm, religion, positivism, hermeneutics, critical approach, the nature of man the nature of knowledge, social reality.



    * Assistant Perofessor, Shahed Tehran University

    ** M.A. in Sociology

    * M.A. in Sociology

    * Ph.D Student sociology, Tehran University

    * Ph.D Student Bagher al-Olum University.

    * Assistant Propessor, Esfahan University

    ** Ph.D Student sociology, Tehran University

    * M.A. in Sociology

    * Assistant Professor, Naragh Azad University.



    Table of Contents

    Comparing the Islamic Paradigm with the Positivistic and Hermeneutic and Critical Paradigms / By Hasan Kheiri

    A Rivew of the Paradigm of the Study of Social Traditions in the Qur'an / By Gholan Hayder Kusha

    The Discourse of Sociology of Body"; a Critical Analysis in the Light of Rational Life and Islamic World View / By Abul Qasim Fatihi / Ibraheem Ikhlasi

    A Critique of Peter Burger's Phenomenological Approach to Religion and Social Order / By Hasan Yosif-zadah

    A Review of the Efficiency of Functionalistic Theory / By Amanallah Fasihi 109

    Hans-George Gadmer's Hermenuetics / By Muhammad Aslam Jawadi 133

    Special Emphasis on the Role of Education in the Management of Energy Consumption / By: Dr. Mahadi Subhani-najad / Abdullah Afshar


    In the Name of Allah

    Social Cultulal Knowledge Vol.1, No.2

    A Quarterly Journal of Sociology Spring 2010


    Proprietor: Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute

    Editior in Chief: Hamid Pārsaniyā

    Editor:Mahmud Rajabi

    Executive manager: Mohammad Ilaghi Hoseini

    Translation of Abstracts: Syyed Rahim Rastitabar


    • Editorial Board:

    • Nasrallah Aqajani: Assistant Professor, Bagher al-Olum University

    • Hamid Parsāniyā: Assistant Professor, Bagher al-Olum University

    • Mohammad Hosein Pānahī: Associate Professor,TabaTabai University

    • GholamReda Jamshidiha: Associate Professor, Tehran University

    • Mahmud Rajabi: Professor, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute

    • Syyed Hosein Sharaf al-din: Faculty Member, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute

    • Hosein Kachoiyan: Associate Professor, Tehran University

    • Akbar Mirsepah: Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute

    • Shams allah Mariji: Assistant Professor, Bagher al-Olum University


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    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1389) Abstracts. فصلنامه معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 1(2)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."Abstracts". فصلنامه معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 1، 2، 1389، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1389) 'Abstracts'، فصلنامه معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 1(2), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). Abstracts. معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 1, 1389؛ 1(2): -