معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، سال پنجم، شماره دوم، پیاپی 18، بهار 1393، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    Social Authenticities; A Realistic Interpretation

    Ahmad Reza Yazdani Moqaddam / Assistant professor of Islamic Science and Research Center                                                                                   a.r.y.moqaddam@gmail.com

    Received: 2014/04/28 - Accepted: 2014/09/14



    Is the viewpoint of Allamah Tabatabaii about authenticities, in general, and social authenticities, in particular, compatible with his realism? Arguing for the compatibility of social authenticities with Allamah’s realism, this thesis unites realism and authenticities for the first time, and pays attention to the ontological aspects of authenticities. Moreover, it explains that the realism of Allamah Tabatabaii is interactional, and given the relation between man’s existential structure and  evolution , sets forth for discussion the  criterion of “ being of use in man’s evolution” for examining the compatibility or incompatibility with man’s and existential structure , and the efficiency or inefficiency of authenticities in achieving the objectives. This paper uses an analytical inductive approach.

    Key words: social authenticities, interactional realism, good and badness, actual fact.


    Allamah Tabatabaii and the Philosophy of Social Sciences

    Nasr al-Allah Aqajani / assistant professor of social sciences, Baqer al-Oloom University

    Received: 2014/04/22 - Accepted: 2014/09/07                          nasraqajani@gmail.com



    The philosophy of social sciences seeks to investigate the quiddity, possibility, goal, topic and reliable methods in social science. This philosophy is affected by numerous variables. As the mainstream western sciences and ideologies are materialistic and mundane in individual and social aspects, their philosophy of social sciences will naturally be affected by materialistic views. In the viewpoint of Allamah TabatabaIi in Al-Mizan, there are fundamental principles and concepts that influence social, authentic and factual sciences. Such concepts include: “right” as the basis of world of creation and divine legislation, “goals of societies” which affect   identity, and “factual non-difference between society and the exigencies of man’s individual nature “. In this regard, any of the above-mentioned principles have implications that differentiate social sciences and their philosophy from   immoderate and secular relativity, and increase the capacity of social science for concept making, description, explanation and evaluation of the social world.

    Key words: Allamah Tabatabaii, Al-Mizan, philosophy of social sciences, authenticities, factual sciences.

    The Methodology of Allameh Tabatabaii Social Thoughts

    Sadegh Golestani / Faculty member of IKI                               sadeq.qolestani47@yahoo.com

    Received: 2014/05/04 - Accepted: 2014/09/20



    Allameh Tabatabai has valuable social ideas and thoughts in different social areas. This paper reviews the methodology and the epistemic and non-epistemic aspects of his social thoughts, and studies the methodological necessities of its fundamentals. A large part of Allameh’s social thoughts are focused on social conditions and cultural issues. Through an eclectic approach,  he presented  these thoughts in descriptive, explanatory and normative aspects in accordance with the principles of Islamic philosophy and  divine teachings .His social thoughts  are organized around the innate ontological and anthropological foundations , but the innate anthropology plays a more pivotal role in his social thoughts .His ideas in this regard are reflected in different books, however a main portion is discussed in his precious book , Al-Mizan , which is the basis of this paper.

    Key words: being innate, anthropology, ontology, methodology, religion, revelation, use.

    Allamah Tabatabaii and the Ontological Foundations of Culture

    Seyyed Hussein Sharaf al-din / Assistant professor of IKI             sharaf@qabas.net

    Received: 2014/04/01 - Accepted: 2014/08/18



    Most social sciences regard “culture” as the most common and widespread concept which encompasses all man’s material and non-material achievements during the vicissitude of social life and in the course of history. One of the most important questions posed in the cultural studies and sociology of culture is the question relating to the origin of and causes behind the ontological foundations of culture. No doubt, culture is a confluence of the symbolic treasures and achievements which represent a direct and indirect transfusion of man’s existential capacities, revealed teachings, social interactions and biological experiences and which are crystallized cumulatively in a multi-layer world and come to existence and finds out its identity objectively and independently or as inter-subjective sediments. Inspired by the works of the eminent contemporary philosopher and Qur'an commentator, Allamah Tabatabaii, the present paper seeks to reexamine and analyze the origin of and the causes behind the development and possibly maintenance of culture. This problem which ought to be a subject of speculation and inquiring has not been adequately addressed in the existing literature of social sciences. The main question of this paper is related to the nature and origin of culture. A documentary method is used, Allamah’s views are stated and the contents of his works, especially Al-Mizan Commentary are analyzed to expound and prove the author's claim.

    Key words: culture, religion, nature, instinct, need, intellect, consideration, habit.

    Islamic Family Norms

    Qholamreza Sadiqh Uora’ii / PhD of sociology, Mashhad Firdausi University      

    Received: 2013/03/20 - Accepted: 2014/08/20                                    Sedighouraee@um.ac.ir



    Allamah Tabatabaii has expounded the question of family elaborated norms due to a breach of the Islamic injunctions on women and family. The present paper discusses the development process of some of these family norms Allamah Tabatabaii’s views. A content analysis method is used in this research. Establishing the functions of Islamic family norms is among the most important research findings which confirm that these norms contribute to the formation of harmonious relations between wife and husband and to the clarity of genealogy. The ruling of limiting a woman to be married to no more than one man does not mean that the woman is owned by the man and is not a testimony for viewing polygamy as an unusual act. Besides, the husband's being duty bound to provide for his wife is not based on the idea of her inability to earn a living nor it is meant to humiliate her. The husband’s supervising his wife’s interactions and the authority he has in this regard is referred to in the marriage contract, without which the contract is terminated, and the clarity of genealogy and identifying the blood relationship of a specific man with a specific child and other society members will not be accessible.

    Key words: family norms, women, husband’s authority, provisions for the wife, interaction, just, clarity of genealogy.

    The Formulation of Women's Studies in Al-Mizan

    @ Mohammad Reza Kadkhodaii / PhD student of women and family studies


    Mohammad Reza Zibaiinezhad / the manager of center for women and family studies, Qom Seminary zibaei@wrc.ir

    Received: 2014/04/23 - Accepted: 2014/08/30



    The present paper mainly seeks to shed light on Allamah Tabatabaii’s way of thinking regarding “women's studies” which is one of the interdisciplinary fields of study as distinct from the common scientific fields. This should be done according to a paradigm comparable to the common paradigms of the scientific fields in order to judgment and selection. The fundamental encounter between common theological (revelation-based) paradigms and common academic (intellect- experience- based) paradigms on one hand, and the necessity of comprehensiveness of the provided model and structure of all the subjects discussed in a given science to make a coherence and defensible relationship with the paradigmatic foundations on the other hand, point to the difficulty of providing such a model. Considering the four-sided model consisting of historical, ontological, axiological, and pathological discussions, Allamah Tabatabaii has established the cornerstone of this interdisciplinary fields of study and defended it by relying on some fundamental philosophical concepts and constructs.

    Key words: woman in Islam, women's studies in Al-Mizan, women’s rights in Islam.




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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1393) Abstracts. فصلنامه معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 5(2)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."Abstracts". فصلنامه معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 5، 2، 1393، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1393) 'Abstracts'، فصلنامه معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 5(2), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). Abstracts. معرفت فرهنگی اجتماعی، 5, 1393؛ 5(2): -