Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, Volume 7, Issue 3, No 27, Year 2025 , Pages 117-138

    The Grounds for Extramarital Relations in Iran, A Case Study of Tehran

    Article Type: 
    Seyyed hosein Sharafoddin / associate professor of sociology department of IKI /
    ✍️ Abdolhadi Salehi Zadeh / PhD student of sociology, IKI /
    Sexual infidelity which is one of the instances of sex explicitness is one of the grave problems which has harmful effects on the Iranian culture and which has been the special concern of socio cultural thinkers, policy makers and managers. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the problem of infidelity, the present qualitative study explores the social grounds of infidelity in the contemporary Iranian society. Making a thematic analysis of the views of the men and women who have, intentionally or unintentionally, experienced infidelity or betrayal, the study explores such reasons like tangible causes and internal and external controls. The interviewees acknowledge that the factors contributing to adulterous sexual infidelity include possessing some positive qualities such as attractive appearance, wealth and ability to win the affection of the opposite sex; besides some situational features like the open atmosphere for expression one's affection and regular relations with the opposite sex, ineffective factors of self-control, including religious and moral aspects and external controls such as poor performance of legal restraining factors.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :زمینه های روابط فرازناشویی در ایران؛ مطالعه موردی شهر تهران
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    Sharafoddin, Seyyed hosein, Salehi Zadeh , Abdolhadi.(2025) The Grounds for Extramarital Relations in Iran, A Case Study of Tehran. Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 7(3), 117-138


    Seyyed hosein Sharafoddin; Abdolhadi Salehi Zadeh ."The Grounds for Extramarital Relations in Iran, A Case Study of Tehran". Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 7, 3, 2025, 117-138


    Sharafoddin, S, Salehi Zadeh , A.(2025) 'The Grounds for Extramarital Relations in Iran, A Case Study of Tehran', Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 7(3), pp. 117-138


    Sharafoddin, S, Salehi Zadeh , A. The Grounds for Extramarital Relations in Iran, A Case Study of Tehran. Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 2025; 7(3): 117-138