Receive Date: 2025/02/25
Accept Date: 2025/02/25
This paper seeks to examine the philosophical principles of identity in the view of the German philosopher, Martin Heidegger. The research is a quantitative library-based survey based on a ‘’thematic-oriented theory’’. The main question in Heidegger’s philosophy is about the meaning of existence, the subject of his philosophy is ontology and the method of his work is phenomenology. Heidegger maintains that cognition and philosophy are rooted in history and society, and he considers that time has the duty of establishing the world. Therefore, the origin of our cognition, including formal cognition in the form of new disciplines and our informal cognition in the form of daily knowledge, including the knowledge of identity, has historical property and it is the product of environment and time, and, therefore, it belongs to the world of life. The research findings show that it is possible to provide a philosophical model of identity with the aim of investigating the question of identity as a social issue.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
Title :مبانی فلسفی هویت از دیدگاه مارتین هایدگر
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Cite this article:
Rasekh, Karamatallah.(2025) The Philosophical Principles of Identity in the View of Martin Heidegger. Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 7(3), 5-23
Karamatallah Rasekh."The Philosophical Principles of Identity in the View of Martin Heidegger". Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 7, 3, 2025, 5-23
Rasekh, K.(2025) 'The Philosophical Principles of Identity in the View of Martin Heidegger', Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 7(3), pp. 5-23
Rasekh, K. The Philosophical Principles of Identity in the View of Martin Heidegger. Ma`rifat-e Farhangi Ejtemai, 2025; 7(3): 5-23